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3D Printing & 3D Imaging Technology
Preoperative Planning & Analysis
Anatomic Models
Surgical Guides
Custom-made Implants
Custom-made Orthotics
3D reconstruction and 3D printing can produce accurate cutting guides based on the surgical instruments and implants that will be used for one and only patient. Cutting guides allow the accomplishment of difficult operations with no chance for error, the decrease of operation time, the reduction of blood loss as well as the increase of surgery potentials.
A representative example is the reconstruction of the maxilla with fibula bone parts. 3D printing can offer cutting guides for the whole operation process: the removal of the fibula parts in shapes that will perfectly fit the maxilla of the patient and pre-drilling of the holes on them for accurate fitting of the orthopaedic plate.
3D printed products are realized by biocompatible sterilizable polymers and their design is always based on the guidance and the needs of the surgeon.