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Osteosynthesis of Upper/Lower Limb & Thorax
Mini & Small Arthroplasties
Maxillofacial Implants
Biomaterials & Bone Grafts
Custom-made Models & Implants
locking holes for an
6 to 8 monoaxial
1 ramp oblong hole
2 offset screw holes
1 polyaxial locking hole
Patient Specific Surgical Guides
Nerve Stimulator & Locator
Without central unit
Fully adjustable by the surgeon
Tetanic Contraction
MaioRegen: The biomimetic resorbable joint surface restoration system for the treatment of cartilage ad osteochondral lesions supported by the highest level of scientific evidence.
3D Printing & 3D Imaging Technology
Preoperative Planning & Analysis
Anatomic Models
Surgical Guides
Custom-made Implants
Bekyras – Clinilab S.A. is a company focused on the sector of invasive orthopaedic products and especially Τraumatology.
We provide public Hospitals and private clinics with pioneer orthopaedic implants and the brands we represent have their manufacturing sites in countries with high standards that are strictly supervised. We develop two-way relations with providers and customers in global market.
Our aim is to achieve a high contribution to the immediate treatment of the surgeries that surgeons and hospital staff are called to handle with complete, reliable and contemporary scientific solutions. The surgical systems of our representing brands are unique, easy to use, low-profile and provide direct outcome.
Bekyras – Clinilab S.A., through its 24-year activity in the medical sectors of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, possesses expert technical and administrative human resources. It offers complete support to hospitals and surgeons.
Every product that our company offers has been chosen thoroughly for its quality, secureness but also its novelty. Both implantable products and surgical instruments are designed to grant ease of use to the surgeon and the best recovery of the patient's health.
We keep track of biomedical technology progress in order to be capable to offer top notch products. We are at your disposal to receive and forward to our suppliers your suggestions and ideas that could help make surgical operations easier and less time-consuming.