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3D Printing & 3D Imaging Technology
Preoperative Planning & Analysis
Anatomic Models
Surgical Guides
Custom-made Implants
Custom-made Orthotics
3D Printing can offer the immediate and essential solution in terms of education and preparation of surgeons or the production of the personalized implant that every surgical case needs.
One of the following imaging techniques can provide all the necessary information in order to generate the analysis, the preoperative planning and the production of anatomic models, surgical guides and implants with absolute precision: Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Tomography (MRI) or 3D Ultrasound (3D US).
Among the advantages that have been scientifically proven for the technology of 3D printing, the following have been included:
All products of 3D analysis and printing are always produced with the guidance of the surgeon.