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3D Printing & 3D Imaging Technology
Preoperative Planning & Analysis
Anatomic Models
Surgical Guides
Custom-made Implants
Custom-made Orthotics
Conventional implants do not always offer the best solution to an operation or, in many cases, their production is not feasible due to the amount of different geometries per surgical incident. In that case, 3D printing can give the solution with custom-made implants that are designed and realized from zero to be used in one and only patient.
Examples of custom-made implants include the reconstruction of zygomatic bones, the implant-guides for bone regeneration of maxilla prior to the introduction of dental implants, the reconstruction of maxilla or its defects with fibular bone graft and cranial implants.
In cooperation with the other services that 3D technology can offer, custom-made implants can give complete solution to a very difficult surgical incident.